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Area Directors

Curtis Chanda
International Director

Curtis Chanda joined Global Teams as International Director in 2018, bringing over two decades of field experience with Frontiers International, an organization which shares Global Teams’ emphasis on reaching unreached people groups and equipping and sending believers from within new movements.

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Curtis and his wife Diana spent the last twenty years living and working in a Muslim context in Central Asia, where their three daughters were born. Through God’s grace, they were able to plant the first churches in their area for Muslim background believers.

Francis Matumba
Africa Director

Francis Matumba joined Global Teams in 2003 and served as Malawi Country Coordinator from 2007 to 2021. His creativity and passion for the unreached has led to numerous outreach platforms, including Agape Farm.

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Francis received a diploma in Theology and a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and Social Administration from Uganda Christian University and earned his master’s degree in Diakonia and Christian Social Practice from Diakonhjemmet University College in Oslo, Norway. He has been an ordained Anglican priest since 2001 and served as a full-time pastor until assuming his current position as GT Africa Director. Francis and his wife, Irene, have five children.

Michael Jun
Asia Director

“Over these past years working with Global Teams, as a field partner and then as the Asia Director, I have learned much about mission mobilization and training. I have served many workers and churches in Southeast Asia, sharing Global Teams training and raising up new field partners for work all over Asia. There are so many unreached people groups and unreached areas in Asia. ‘The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.’ “

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My wife and I moved to America to serve as Global Teams field partners in 2002. After living in the US for 12 years and growing our family with the births of our three children, we made a decision as a family to pursue our long time dream.

Once I took a trip from my homeland of Korea to a country in Asia. There I saw many towns, villages and people. My heart was saddened because there was no evidence of churches or of the Gospel of Christ Jesus being taught. In that sadness, I asked the Lord, “Do you want me to be a missionary to these people? If you do, I will obey you.”

The Lord said to me, “I want you to send many people who will spread the Gospel to these people.” At that moment, I committed myself to mobilize Koreans to become missionaries.

It is crucial for us to find ways to share the gospel in the rhythm of our lives in the fields as well as in our daily living. It is more effective for us to share the gospel with the people from different cultures and religions the way that they can accept and live into the gospel so that they can be “yeast in the dough” in their cultures and religion to expand His Kingdom from the inside of their cultures and religions.  

There are unreached people in lands all over the world who do not know Jesus as Savior. Will you join me is sending workers to the fields which are ripe for harvest? Your partnership with Global Teams will help to provide the training and travel needed to mobilize Korean and other Asian workers to join Americans and other Christian workers in the mission field. “Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38

Turco-Russia Director

Makhset grew up in Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan bordering Kazakhstan. As a teenager, following the breakup of the Soviet Union, he attended classes at a local mosque. After a friend shared with him that God loved him, Makhset accepted Jesus as his Savior and Lord. “From this day, I had joy, peace and hope. I became a new creation!”

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God gave Makhset an evangelistic gift and an apostolic heart. “From this day I shared with my friends. A lot of my friends came to Jesus.” He became involved in an underground church that experienced exponential growth. God also provided an opportunity to study at a Bible seminary in Russia. Despite ongoing arrests and harassment, he chose to remain in Central Asia, where he discipled believers and planted churches. In 2012, Makhset was jailed and threatened with years of imprisonment. Miraculously he was freed, and he moved, with his wife and four boys, to Sweden. There, he pastors refugees from all over the world.

Makhset speaks several Turkic languages – Kazakh, Karakalpak, Uzbek, Kirgiz – as well as Russian, Swedish, English, and a little Chinese and Dari. Max has a passion for seeing the church multiply throughout Russia and Central Asia.

Amy Law
North America Director

Amy has a passion to mobilize young people and churches to pray, give and go to foster disciple making movements among unreached people groups. She has served with Youth with a Mission (YWAM), Caleb Project, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, Teen Mania, and Frontiers.

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Leading youth teams to Yemen, India, Turkey, Malaysia, China and Thailand has helped her training remain practical and reproducible, as she continues to train young people in YWAM and churches in Perspectives. Amy and her husband raise cattle in Wyoming and home educate one son, while their other son attends high school. 

David Carne & Astrid Hecker
Latin America Directors

Biography coming soon…

Email David | Email Astrid