compass on map

40 New Unreached Groups by 2024

40 new unreached people groups by 2024

Trusting fully in God through Jesus Christ and learning to trust Him more, we commit to engage 40 new unreached places, populations and people groups by 2024.

Identified: We are prayerfully researching these groups further. With more data, the specifics may change.

Mobilized: We have field partners committed to one of our specific targets

Trained: Field partners are being equipped and are actively looking for access points

Engagement: For GT this means that we have a field partner resident or in regular contact with the unreached group.

Breakthrough: Engagement is not the end goal; followers of Jesus is! Breakthrough means at least one fellowship has been planted.

Each dot represents an unreached / under-reached people group, population or place. We are continually receiving new reports and will update this chart soon.