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End of Year Giving

Thank you to everyone who gave a special gift!
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We enter cultures with honor, allowing for transformation from the inside out.
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We expect to find God already at work in every people group.
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Our international composition creates sending opportunities closer to the least reached.
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We give because God first gave to us! Especially at Christmas, we rejoice in and imitate God’s lavish generosity expressed through Jesus.

This year, we invite you to give to specific needs of our field partners represented in this catalog who are sharing Bethlehem’s glory in the darkest places of our world.

Our aim is to multiply disciples of Jesus within people groups with least access to the Gospel.

Global Teams is an international organization focused on reaching unreached and least reached people groups throughout the world. Put another way, our desire is to reach the 2.9 billion people who have never heard the gospel. Following John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling place among us,” we ensure that movements to Christ emerge in forms and expressions that fit the culture of each people group and enable the Gospel to spread.

Group of the Week

  • Gujarat in Malawi

    Gujarat in Malawi

    Gujaratis from India arrived in Africa as traders over a century ago and many of them set up businesses and remained. They are present in many countries of Africa and are usually the largest Hindu population in those African countries. The Gujaratis in Malawi are involved in various forms of business in Malawi and tend…

    Read more: Gujarat in Malawi